At the heart of what we do is a belief that God has done something amazing and unexpected. We believe that God, the creator of all things, chose to come into this world as a human being, Jesus of Nazareth. He came to be a light in this dark world, he taught us how to live and how to love. He taught us about himself and how we can relate to him performing miracles and many signs as proof of his identity and teaching that he was bringing in a new era, the Kingdom of God come to earth. He was tried by the rulers of his time, executed, and died at their hands. His death became the way of salvation and light for all humankind, for although our own sins make us guilty before God, God himself has borne the price of all sins on himself. To those who follow him by faith he declares righteous and we stand before him forgiven.

We believe, as the Scriptures and the entirety of the Christian religion throughout the world declares that three days after Jesus’ death he rose from the dead and that his followers saw him, touched him, and spoke with him. We believe, as the Scriptures attest, that Jesus ascended back into heaven and that all who put their faith in Jesus will also rise to new life both in this life and after death.

We believe in a God who cares deeply for us, connects with us in tangible ways, and is not far from any person. As the Scriptures declare “no one who hopes in the Lord will be put to shame,” (Psalm 25:3) and “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you, ” (James 4:8). We believe in a God who is all powerful, He created everything and can do anything. We believe in a God who gives us free will to choose or reject Him. To those who have chosen Him He gives the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, equip, help them, and give them eternal life. We believe in a God who works through his people and his Church and that all of us are called to play a part in what God is doing in the world today.

We believe in the Holy Trinity; one God as three persons. God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Spirit.

Our God is alive and tramps over death by death. Come and join us Sunday mornings to worship our God.


God’s Mission is my vision.

As pastor of T.T.R. Free Methodist Church it is my passion (and the congregations) to carry the Good News’ of God our heavenly Father’s longing to reconcile all nations, tribes, and people, of all ages and status quos back to Himself Through the vicarious death and resurrection of His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Chris that is now possible.

God created, and loves us all equally. Therefore, He died for anyone who would accept His forgiveness, peace, purpose, and eternal plan of salvation.

We here at T.T.R. are a family of believers and followers of Christ, composed of imperfect, people who serve, and are loved by an extraordinary God. And together we are on a journey to healing and Christian maturity; sometimes advancing 3 steps forward, and sometimes faltering  2 steps back. We endeavour to learn,  love and serve each other as Christ our Saviour loved and served us.

As a minister of our loving Saviour, it is my conviction that it matters far more to God  as to where you are going, than where you came from.

As a congregation, it is our desire, to bring the Good News’s of God’s saving grace to each person in our community and beyond, and to bring Christ’s hope, healing to each other, and our neighbours: And to encourage one another to grow in grace and Christ-like maturity.