As far back as I can remember I felt the call of God in my life. As a follower of Christ, which is now being expressed through me as a pastor, it is my desire and passion to both see people come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior and to encourage and equip them to come into the maturity of the faith.

The leadership and guidance of Jesus, the teaching, and acting upon His word, prayer, and the reliance on the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential to my ministry and calling.

I believe that every person is called to something special (yes, and that means you as well). Every Christian is called to the ministry of reconciliation -.

Part of my call as a pastor is to help the believer find and fulfill God’s purpose and will for their lives. I believe every Christian is called to express God’s mission of restoration, reconciliation, and salvation to all people of every culture and background everywhere.

It is my privilege and responsibility to a) feed His sheep, and to b)  help equip God’s people to the work of reconciling the world back to Himself through biblical teaching, living,  loving, in, with, and through the body of Christ. (Eph.4:12; Jn.21:15-18; Matt.28:19-20)

I believe that in God’s family; He loves us all equally. No one person is more, or less, important than anyone else. God is  our spiritual dad- our ‘heavenly Father’.

We have been adopted through our faith in  Christ. Most importantly, He loves us all the same… even with our failures and shortcomings.

Therefore, no matter where you might have come from, if you want to grow and discover God with us, or just want to hang out, or just want to visit; then please drop by.

If you have questions, or just want to talk, then email me at and I’d be more than happy to communicate with you.

Pastor Joe

Pastor Joe is affiliated with the Free Methodist denomination in Canada and received some of his training in biblical studies from Briercrest College and Seminary. He is studying towards a Mdiv at Tyndale University in Toronto.